directed, shot & edited by owner of intersecting pictures

Who is behind Intersecting Pictures Inc.?

A Black, Queer & non-binary creative named Jasmine Jackson (they/them) who loves to produce vulnerable stories through video.

Jasmine works to challenge the discomfort of viewers –– as their work often boldly centers marginalized communities; some of which make up the intersections of their own identity.

They encourage the boldness and discomfort of their work for some, to be leaned into. With Intersectionality being the forefront of their work, they hope for it to serve as comfort to viewers who share intersections and/or the stories produced. 

Who and what is Intersectional Pictures Inc. for?

At the foundation, this brand makes intersectionality an integral element for each creative project that's brought into fruition —

discomfort is a major element in this brand's work — 

simply because anything intersectional, makes things a little uncomfy for the white majority — 

But this brand, embraces that discomfort — in fact, it wants you to feel it, so as to evoke growth and change for the betterment of Black & Brown folks. 

This brand is unapologetic in its Black&Brown expressions. 

It is for us to be loud whether the majority does or does not want to listen. 

This brand is for you and me — our comfort, a space for us.